Elon Musk Makes a Serious Accusation Against a Top Tesla Regulator

Every day, a new verbal attack followed by a counter-attack from the other side. None of the protagonists seems to want to lower the temperature. 

And things don’t seem to be getting better, on the contrary. 

The standoff between Elon Musk and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reaching levels of no return.

Tesla’s (TSLA) – Get Tesla Inc Report CEO accuses the SEC of leaking information to harm him. In a letter addressed to the New York judge Alison Nathan on Monday by his lawyer, the richest man in the world alleges that these leaks, which intervene within the framework of an investigation by the federal agency on Tesla, are reprisals following recent criticisms that he made against the SEC.

Read More:Elon Musk Makes a Serious Accusation Against a Top Tesla Regulator

2022-02-22 00:04:00

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