Local Financial Advisors Give Back to Community with New Platform for Smaller Investors

Lubavitcher Aron Pinson, founder and CIO of Equinum, a white glove wealth management firm, has recently launched Inq which caters to everyone—even those just at the start of their investment journey. Full Story

By Aharon Loschak

After presenting to various groups of young people around his native Crown Heights, Aron Pinson would regularly encounter the same question: how do we get started? As founder and CIO of Equinum, a white glove wealth management firm, Pinson is well-versed in the ins and outs of the finance world, and one of his passions is to educate young people to start investing often and early. After stressing the importance of compound interest and other such advantages of starting young, audiences are usually eager to take advantage and get started.

As a wealth management firm for high net-worth individuals and institutions, minimum figures for initial investments with Equinum are well beyond the means of the average young adult.
Looking for ways to give back to the community and help young people along the path to financial stability with smart investing, the staff at Equinum partnered with Charles Schwab to create a unique platform for smaller investors to jump right in. Dubbed “Inq,” clients can receive professional portfolio allocation of a large-scale management firm—without the usual large minimum and fees.

“We’re thrilled to finally be able to launch Inq which caters to everyone—even those just at the start of their investment journey,” said Pinson. “This is a unique opportunity for a much wider audience to invest in professionally managed and diversified portfolios and allow their money to compound over time.”

With only a five thousand dollar minimum, anyone can log onto the site without even a single phone call, open their account, and choose what type of portfolio they would like to invest in. A custom questionnaire prompts the system to suggest a specific portfolio, further removing much of the guesswork.

Equinum will call each new client and offer professional guidance as they start their investment journey, consistent with their client-focused company philosophy. This is an invaluable service, as for many clients Inq is their first exposure to the vast universe that is wealth management. Having professional guidance as they navigate this overwhelming world is a precious commodity.

To further assist the community and help guide relatively inexperienced potential investors to the right place, Equinum is working with local accountants and other front-line financial vendors to offer their services. As a local firm with its roots firmly entrenched in the community, Equinum is a comfortable and trusted solution for many.

“Over the years, we’ve heard people look back wishing they had received professional guidance along their investment journey—with whatever amount it was,” said Mendel Lerman, an advisor at Equinum. “It’s so gratifying to now be able to offer a platform that will provide that guidance available to such a wide audience.”

Anyone interested in taking advantage of this new offering can log on to https://equinum.com/inq .

Read More:Local Financial Advisors Give Back to Community with New Platform for Smaller Investors

2023-01-14 23:49:19

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