Cardboard market conditions prompt recycling charge

Just as packages are arriving for the holiday season, the market for cardboard recycling has taken a massive plunge, forcing Pacific Steel & Recycling to add a 3-cent-per-pound charge for the service.

“There’s no money in the cardboard market,” said James Boylan, assistant manager at Pacific Recycling Missoula.

Part of the reason for strain on cardboard recycling comes from trends resulting from society’s emergence out of the COVID-19 pandemic. When more people were spending time at home, shipping was more common, creating more of a demand for cardboard recycling.

“We have a fair amount of supply and not the greatest demand,” Boylan explained. “Cardboard’s not booming.”

Boylan said the recycler has 40 loads of cardboard that he currently can’t sell to any mills because they are so full of the product. The mills, Boylan said, are presently able to take whatever amount of cardboard they want at a price they set.

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Nonetheless, Boylan noted, he only expects the dire market conditions to be temporary. Just like scrap iron, he said, conditions and prices fluctuate over time.

The 3-cent charge to recycle cardboard won’t be a permanent fixture at Pacific Recycling, but Boylan didn’t say how long he expects it to last.

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Read More:Cardboard market conditions prompt recycling charge

2022-11-28 19:00:00

CardboardchargeCommerceconditionsCOVID-19economicsfinancejames boylanMarketpacific steel and recyclingpromptrecycling
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