5 Times Ruto Has Warned Civil Servants Since Inauguration

President William Ruto on different occasions outlined key policy directions that the Kenya Kwanza government intends to take and warned civil servants against negating any of them.

These directives came either directly from him or his deputy Rigathi Gachagua and were accompanied by stern warnings to civil servants.

The warnings paint Ruto as a man on a mission to deliver the promises he made in the run-up to the elections.

No room for failure

Speaking during the swearing-in of Cabinet Secretaries at State House on Thursday, October 27, the President demanded results from the ministries and said that there would be consequences for nonperformers.

“We have agreed on what is right and I have said it. If you don’t do it, you will not only miss heaven but also have a problem with me. We have an agenda and the people of Kenya are very expectant on delivery of our plan, our program and transformation of our nation,” he stated.

President William Ruto speaking after Cabinet Secretaries Swearing in ceremony on Thursday, October 27, 2022.


“You have no option other than to succeed. Failure is not an option because we have a country to look after, people of Kenya to look after and people to look after,” he added.

Service to all

Speaking at the same occasion, the president warned Cabinet Secretaries against nepotism or any form of favouritism and asked their relatives to give them space to serve the nation without unnecessary distractions.

“Uphold the constitution and make the rule of law the front and centre of your operation. Kenya should be run not on the whims of individuals but on the dictates of the constitution. You have also sworn to serve the people. I didn’t hear anyone swear to serve their friends, family, regions or religions but the people of Kenya. That is the minimum expected from all of us. You are appointed to the cabinet of Kenya. Serve all Kenyans equally,” he stated.

“The reason I have said this before your families and constituents is so that they also become my witnesses and they don’t come to harass you in the offices to do things for them and they understand that you are working for the people of Kenya,” he added.

No politicking

Ruto and his deputy sent stern warnings to public servants against engaging in politics. Speaking during his first public function after swearing in as he officially opened the Governor’s Induction in Mombasa, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua warned Provincial Administrators against politicking and asked them to work with governors.

“As leaders, we have the same agenda of implementing projects aimed at uplifting the lives of ordinary citizens. We should therefore work together so as to achieve our goals,” said Mr Gachagua.

“I will be convening meetings with Regional Commissioners, County Commissioners and all government officials so that we align them properly. The president has told me to inform you that the era of lecturing elected leaders must come to an end,” ­­he added.

Graft & Lateness Warning

On Friday, October 28 during the launch of the Kenyan Association of Manufacturers (KAM) humanitarian initiative, DP Gachagua shot out two more warnings; one to lazy civil servants on timekeeping and another to corrupt and inept officials.

“The Ruto administration is so clear that the way to go is supporting and facilitating enterprise. Government cannot be a stumbling block to manufacturing and enterprise. The President has given a policy direction and public officers will have to align very quickly. We must bring to an end bureaucracy and red tape in this sector,” he stated.

“When you say that this government keeps time, it is not us, it is the leader. Once the leader sets the pace, everyone else aligns. If the president keeps time, how will his deputy or Moses Kuria fail to do so? He has made it clear that if he ever hears that any of us has kept business people waiting for 30 minutes, that will be the end of your job,” he added.

With the government now fully constituted, it remains to be seen if these warnings will be followed through as the rubber now meets the road in service delivery. Only time will tell.

Deputy President William Ruto speaking at an event on October 28, 2022.


Rigathi Gachagua


Read More:5 Times Ruto Has Warned Civil Servants Since Inauguration

2022-10-30 09:17:18

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