September 3, 1982, Forty Years Ago: Israel rejects plan

The Israeli Government rejected a new West Asia peace plan proposed by the United States because it was certain to lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Deputy Premier David Levy said. Levy told reporters: “The (Israeli) Government completely rejects the proposals because they will lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state, even if this is not intended.”  Levy said the new proposals, which included a call for Palestinian self-government in the occupied West Bank and Gaza in association with Jordan, deviated from the 1978 Camp David accords.

Press bill protest

Journalist and non-journalist employees will go on one-day strike in protest against the Bihar Press Bill and anti-press laws in other states. The Prime Minister’s statement denouncing their agitation came in for sharp criticism from the Indian Federation of Working Journalists. A Raghavan, president of the IFW J said Mrs Gandhi  should leave the problem of dealing with “rag Journalism” to the Press Council and scrap the “mischievous” Section 292-A inserted in the Indian Penal Code in Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Jammu and Kashmir and in Bihar.

Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has carried out the long-awaited reshuffle of the Union Cabinet. There have been several signigicant changes as a result of the process, chief among which is that the key Home portfolio has been given to P C Sethi, who is one of her confidants in the government. Sethi’s place in the Railway Ministry will be taken by Abdul Ghani Khan Chowdhury, who gives up the Energy Ministry. Vasant Sathe has been shifted from Information and Broadcasting to Fertiliser and Chemicals. The new Minister of Information and Broadcasting will be N K P Salve.

Read More:September 3, 1982, Forty Years Ago: Israel rejects plan

2022-09-02 22:51:08

Bihar Press BillCabinet reshuffleCurrent AffairseditorialFortyindian expressIndira GandhiIsraelIsraeli governmentOpinionplanPress bill protestrejectsSeptemberUnited StatesYears
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