Lincoln Project claims Christina Pushaw is Ron DeSantis’ ‘master strategist’

The Lincoln Project is closing the week trolling Florida’s Governor, as he stumps for General Election candidates in Pennsylvania and Ohio, by purportedly pointing out the “master strategist” behind the curtain.

In a Friday press release entitled “DeSantis rallies with extremists Doug Mastriano and J.D. Vance,” a Lincoln Project co-founder named DeSantis’ rapid response director as the Governor’s go-to for campaign game plans.

“It’s no surprise to see Ron DeSantis amp up his campaign against Donald Trump by campaigning for edge-case candidates like J.D. Vance and Doug Mastriano,” said Rick Wilson, The Lincoln Project co-founder.

“Directed by his master strategist Christian Pushaw (sic), an alt-right activist who speaks fluent MAGA and directs all aspects of his campaign, DeSantis isn’t just embracing candidates known for their ugly misogyny and open rebellion against our country,” Wilson continued. “These people aren’t just who he’s endorsing; they’re who he is.”

Christina Pushaw was hired as DeSantis’ Press Secretary last year, leaving the position this summer to take the rapid response role in the Governor’s re-election campaign. She did not take the bait, tweaking Wilson for misspelling her name in the press release quote.

“All I have to say is anyone who wants to write press releases about me should at least know what my first name is,” she texted Florida Politics, sidestepping Wilson’s attacks.

DeSantis appears to have engineered these rallies, according to Pennsylvania’s Mastriano, who sounded starstruck describing how the DeSantis campaign recruited him for the Keystone State event.

“I’m like, are you kidding me? Heck yes,” Mastriano, the state Senator told the right-of-center One America News Network.

This mattered to him, he added, “because my goal as governor of Pennsylvania is to make it the Florida of the North because he set the gold standard for the good a Governor can do — leading a state as opposed to what we have in Pennsylvania.”

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2022-08-20 01:32:23

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