Tucker Carlson: Fossil fuels are the thing that make the US a rich country – but Biden doesn’t care

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Imagine you went to school with Sandy Cortez. A lot of people did. Imagine it’s 2011, and you’re both students at Boston University, a not quite prestigious, but highly expensive school for kids who couldn’t get into Tufts. 

You know who Sandy Cortez is because three days a week at 12:20, you see her and your philosophy of gender and sexuality class. She’s always there in the front row, snapping her gum and then, like clockwork, she never misses your Queer Theory seminar, which meets every Thursday at 3:30 p.m. because if there’s one thing about queer theory scholars, they’re not early risers.  

Sandy goes to both, and she talks a lot in both classes. She jumps into the conversation whenever she feels she has something important to say, which is frequently. She’s hardly a genius, but she is highly self-assured. She’s got strong opinions about racism and cosmetics. She seems to spend a lot of time updating her Facebook page. Those are the main things that you remember about Sandy Cortez.  

Now, fast forward 10 years. Suddenly, Sandy Cortez is a world-famous figure, somehow. She’s calling herself Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, some kind of female Che, Westchester County’s first socialist revolutionary and she’s still yammering on about racism and eyeshadow, her twin obsessions and she’s still frantically updating her social media pages. Some things have not changed, but other things have changed.  


One night you’re watching TV and you see Sandy Cortez talking authoritatively about America’s energy grid, like she knows a lot about it and that stops you in your tracks. Wait a second. The energy grid, that’s an adult thing, right? That’s not queer theory. That’s real. That’s a very complicated piece of infrastructure. Even a lot of engineers don’t really understand how the energy grid works. How could Sandy Cortez possibly know anything about that?

She can’t drive a standard transmission. She can’t program a coffeemaker. She doesn’t even make her own bed in the morning. The energy grid? Please, it seems preposterous. So, you grab a beer and you settle in to watch her talk about it and your jaw hangs open as you do. Here’s what you see.  


U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) departs after a meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers at the U.S. Capitol that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi hosted to promote Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., October 1, 2021.
(REUTERS/Leah Millis)

AOC: We know that there is no such thing as cheap energy because the price of cheap energy has always been our lives.  

AOC: The trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change. The trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change.  

AOC: We’re like, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is, your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? And like, this is the war. This is our World War II.” 

AOC: The fossil fuel industry and the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatible. They just are. I mean, that’s not a political opinion. That is the science. We continue to burn fossil fuels. Our planet will become inhabitable. 

Really? Energy, huh? How is energy generated? Do you know? What’s a watt? What’s amperage? Speak slowly. We’ve got time, but she doesn’t. Instead, she yells “the fossil fuel industry and the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatible. They just are. I mean, that’s not a political opinion. That’s the science.” 


Of course it is. That’s the science. Whatever I say is the science. There’s no debate here. Obey. That’s not how Democracy works. Thank God. You actually have to convince people and so she tried. She introduced the Green New Deal three years ago and it didn’t go far. In fact, it went nowhere. In fact, virtually nobody in Congress supported it. In fact, when it came time for a vote on the Green New Deal, even her co-sponsor, the other guy who wrote it, the super woke senator from Massachusetts, voted present, not in favor.  

Now, why is that? Why did nobody actually support it? Well, because if you think cow flatulence is even in the top 200 top issues for most Americans, you’re Sandy Cortez. Go back to queer theory class. Get rid of fossil fuels? Yeah. What then? Well, starvation, poverty, societal collapse. Voters, it turns out, are not into any of those things and so nothing that resembles the Green New Deal is going to pass the United States Congress in our lifetimes, provided this remains an actual democracy, which is to say, provided the public has anything to say about how they’re governed.  

That’s a nonstarter here. It’s never going to happen by democratic means, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. It doesn’t mean that ideologues can’t impose the Green New Deal on weaker countries that are too poor to refuse it and over the past several years, that’s exactly what they’ve done.  


So, the Green New Deal is actually taking effect around the world. So, we don’t have to guess what would happen if it took effect here. We can know. That’s science. Let’s start with Ghana. Ghana’s a pretty little country, peaceful place, actually, on the west coast of Africa. Three years ago, Ghana was in great shape. It had one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In fact, it had so much energy over most of the last decade, it was exporting it to its neighbors in West Africa.  

Now, those energy exports from Ghana peaked in 2014. Why that year? Well because the next year, the World Bank published this headline on its website, “World Bank approves largest-ever guarantees for Ghana’s Energy Transformation.” Oh, when they promise to transform your energy, slow down.

But Ghana didn’t slow down. They just kept going. The World Bank promised to provide, and we’re quoting, “technical assistance for energy sector reforms and the drafting of a new renewable energy law.” So, in return for all this help, Ghana agreed to limit its carbon emissions, and then they entered the Paris climate agreement. Oh, how virtuous. 

What happened next? This is the part you don’t read that much about. Last year, Ghana experienced a complete shutdown of its national power supply. No more electricity, no emissions, because we have no electricity, and blackouts have continued since then. Just yesterday, a news source in Ghana reported that, “Residents in parts of the Ashanti region who have been hit with power cuts are without water as well,” because it turns out you need electricity to provide water also to grow food. Now, this is not a small thing. The Ashanti region has millions of people living in it. They’re all now living in the Stone Age and it’s not just the energy grid that’s now compromised in Ghana. 


International observers say the country is now facing severe food shortages and hunger, starvation within a matter of months. Why is that? It’s a fertile country, hardworking people. Now they’re running out of fertilizer. Why? Well, because for years, Sandy Cortez’s friends in the NGO community pushed Ghana toward less efficient, more expensive organic fertilizers and the government of Ghana, because it’s not a rich government, caved. Last year, according to Ghana’s news service, Ghana’s agricultural minister, “urged local farmers to adopt an organic agriculture system to reduce the impact of climate change.” 

Oh, what happened then? Well, the good people of Ghana, while they feel good about their fight against climate change, are now starving and in June, last month, police in Ghana used water and tear gas to attack hundreds of demonstrators in Accra, which is the capital of Ghana.  

It’s not just Ghana. The same thing just happened in Sri Lanka. In 2016, the World Economic Forum published an article by a Columbia professor called Joseph Stiglitz, one of the dumbest people on planet Earth, urging Ghana to transition to “high productivity, organic farming.” Now, what does Stiglitz know about farming? Ever farmed? No, but he felt strongly that Sri Lanka should try a new kind of farming and of course sold it to Sri Lankans as a pathway to prosperity.  


In 2015, the World Economic Forum published an article on its website entitled and we are quoting, “This is how we will make Sri Lanka rich by 2025.” You can search for that article, but it’s gone now along with the government of Sri Lanka. So, they had an actual insurrection, not January 6, not a guy in horns, in a bearskin, running around on mushrooms, making weird noises. No, an actual insurrection where they like, come to your house and swim in your swimming pool, root through your sock drawer and make you leave. That’s what they did to the people who run Sri Lanka. They, being the public.  

The turning point came in 2021 when the president of Sri Lanka, acting on advice from the World Economic Forum, banned the use and importation of chemical fertilizers. Now, the problem was virtually every farm in Sri Lanka uses those fertilizers to produce food, which it turns out people need every day in order to survive. As a result of that move, food prices in Sri Lanka nearly doubled. Millions more Sri Lankans now live in poverty, which is not a joke and because the economy has collapsed, Sri Lanka now cannot afford fuel imports. So, Sri Lankans are now waiting days for gasoline. Watch. 

REPORTER: 36-year-old Tuwan, an…

Read More:Tucker Carlson: Fossil fuels are the thing that make the US a rich country – but Biden doesn’t care

2022-07-13 02:40:30

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