Two cryptocurrency charity efforts making big impacts on the future: Binance (BNB) and Big Eyes (BIG) – Sponsored

As one of the largest growing areas of the financial sector, the value and legitimacy of cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more recognised, not just for the potential they hold to make buyers money, but the potential it has in charitable efforts.

As a digital, anonymous system, donations can be made by anyone from anywhere, removing borders in the process of raising funds for a vast variety of courses. Furthermore, with many cryptocurrencies having a percentage of their tokens in a charity wallet, just by interacting with and raising the value of a token, the community can massively increase the value of these charitable donations.

Two tokens with big charity efforts aimed toward some of the world’s major issues are Binance (BNB) and Big Eyes (BIG), with their methods of doing so being geared towards success.

Binance (BNB) and the Blockchain Charity Foundation

The Blockchain Charity Foundation is a donation platform set up by crypto giant Binance (BNB), which allows users to donate tokens to a variety of causes across the world, from nature preservation projects to relief funds for the people of Ukraine.

Having multiple projects running simultaneously gives those able to donate more the choice of which projects they put their tokens towards. It means that more token holders can get involved in these projects, and more can be done to aid in major world issues.

The Blockchain Charity Foundation has had major success, having earned over $65 million in tokens that are set to help over 1.8 Million people and beneficiaries. It is an incredible platform that is making genuine change through its campaigns and is an aspect of the Binance (BNB) platform that has been widely praised.

Specifically, the Blockchain Charity Foundation’s efforts toward environmental change should be noted, as the crypto industry has been in some controversy regarding its environmental impact. Binance (BNB), through their environmental efforts, are therefore directly contradicting this, making sure that the environment continues to survive and thrive.

So, for a trustworthy charity platform working towards solving some of the world’s biggest issues, check out Binance’s (BNB) Blockchain Charity Foundation.

Big Eyes (BIG) Will Not Swim With the Fishes

The ocean is the most important aspect of the Earth’s ecosystem, with the creatures in it playing an important role in regulating the ocean. Without a balanced oceanic ecosystem, both the sea and land are headed for disaster.

As an example, look no further than the shark – a creature hundreds of millions of years old, with a major role in regulating the oceanic ecosystem, that has been hunted to near extinction across its varying species. Over the past decade, it has been estimated that around 100 million sharks are killed annually through commercial fishing longlines and the shark fin soup industry, with little being done to reduce these alarming numbers.

Or, consider the Bluefin Tuna, one of the most recognisable fish that is widely enjoyed by those all around the world. Due to overfishing, the Bluefin Tuna is now classified as endangered, causing price spikes in products like sushi.

This is where meme token Big Eyes (BIG) is stepping in, with their charity wallet of 10 billion tokens set aside to aid oceanic conservation, with the aim to donate these tokens to ocean sanctuaries.

With their cute and colourful cat mascot, this obsession with fish is no surprise. Cats love fish after all, so it’s important that we all do our part to keep them alive and thriving in our oceans. Big Eyes (BIG) intends to do this through their token, which is predicted to make a massive splash at launch.

Big Eyes (BIG) plans to increase the value of their tokens in a variety of ways, set to aid not only the community but the charity effort being undertaken. One way this will be done is through their NFT Sushi Crew, which will release seasonal NFTs related to the Big Eyes character and the things he loves – primarily, sushi.

Creating a community around the things Big Eyes the cat likes, the mission statement of their charity effort can remain loud and clear. Big Eyes likes to eat fish, and because of this, it is essential that we do not let our ocean’s fish die out.

All of this, however, is being communicated by a cute token and a fun community environment, making the work to increase the token’s value something that bonds those involved with Big Eyes (BIG). And what sounds better than saving the world’s fish whilst also having fun?

So, for those passionate about ocean conservation, or for a new meme token set to revolutionise the crypto scene, don’t miss out on Big Eyes (BIG).

Find out more about Big Eyes (BIG) at:

Keywords: Charity, Binance, BNB, Blockchain Charity Foundation, Big Eyes, BIG, Ocean, Fish

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Read More:Two cryptocurrency charity efforts making big impacts on the future: Binance (BNB) and Big Eyes (BIG) – Sponsored

2022-06-29 18:09:26

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