President Who Was Wrong Countless Times: ‘I Was Right About Everything’

The pre-game show to Trump’s Nebraska rally was as wild as the main event. The crowd danced to YMCA. MyPillow guy Mike Lindell said he wants to “meet with” Elon Musk about “what happened with our voting machines.”

GOP candidate for Nebraska governor Charles Herbster, who eight women have accused of inappropriately touching or kissing them, called for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be impeached and said he wants to “take sex education out of the schools and put it back in the homes where it belongs.” And all this came before a typically self-absorbed speech from Donald Trump, where he supported Herbster’s primary run.

Trump took to the stage as “Proud to be an American” played. He then told the crowd, “I could have gotten out of this one.” The rally, originally scheduled for Friday, had to be postponed because of potential severe weather in the area.

Promoting Herbster, Trump said that the candidate accused of assault by multiple women was “a good man, a very good man.” (Trump has been credibly accused of sexual harassment or assault by at least 18 women.)

But Trump only spared a few sentences for Herbster at the beginning, lest he focus on anyone other than himself for too long. The former president then launched into his usual spiel, bashing the Biden administration; complaining about gas prices; praising his own administration’s “accomplishments,” including the unfinished border wall and “the creation of Space Force.”

“I think I was right about everything!” Trump exclaimed at one point. (According to The Washington Post, Trump made false or misleading claims a total 30,573 times over his four years in office.)

He later returned to the subject of Herbster and mentioned the accusations against him as the reason he decided to travel to Nebraska for the rally. “Charles W., good man… He’s been badly maligned and that’s a shame. That’s why I came out here. Would have been easier to say, ‘I’m not gonna come.’ I come out, I defend people when I know they’re good… I have to defend my friends.” Trump then painted the accusations against Herbster as “he talked to somebody, he talked” (which is not true, eight women have accused the candidate of touching, grabbing, or kissing them without consent) before adding again that he could have gotten out of speaking at this event, “I could have gone to the beach!”

Elsewhere in the speech, Trump ranted that Putin “never ever would have” invaded Ukraine “on my watch.” “So many people have been killed… That whole place is a disaster. That whole mess is a mess that should have never happened.” And he, as usual, bragged about supplying Ukraine with weapons that he was impeached for attempting to delay, whined that European nations don’t contribute enough to NATO, and complained about the “Mueller bullshit.”

Of course, it isn’t a Trump rally without lies about the 2020 election. “The election was rigged and stolen,” Trump read from the prompter with no enthusiasm, more like he was reading a grocery list than a list of grievances. “And now our country is being destroyed because of it. Such stupid decisions are being made.”

Trump went on to accuse Fox News of distancing themselves from him and trying to do “Trumpism without Trump.” “Who likes Trumpism without Trump? Does anybody like it?” he asked the crowd. “I don’t think so. I don’t know.” He later mused, “Maybe they’ll hire me as an anchor. We’ll riff. I just tell it like it is… We’ll get the highest ratings in history. We’re gonna make Donald Trump head of Deface the Nation or Meet the Fake Press.”

The latter part of the speech included a horrifically transphobic rant. “No teacher should ever be able to teach transgender to our children,” Trump said. “Save our kids, keep men out of women’s sports,” he added. Trump then said that if transgender players were allowed in basketball and he were a coach, he would “have five men on my team because I wanna win.” If I were a basketball coach, I would have five men on my team because I wanna win. I’d get LeBron,” he said, joking that he would ask the NBA player: “LeBron, did you ever have thoughts of going woman?”

Trump also touted other candidates he has endorsed in the 2022 elections, kind of. “We’ve endorsed Dr. Oz. We’ve endorsed J.P., right? J.D. Mandel. And he’s doing great. They’re all doing good. They’re all doing good. And let’s see what happens.”

Except, J.D. Vance is the candidate Trump endorsed, not J.D. Mandel. Vance is running against Josh Mandel in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary. This, from a “stable genius” with a perfect cognitive test score and a “very, very large brain” who claims he has been “right about everything.”

Read More:President Who Was Wrong Countless Times: ‘I Was Right About Everything’

2022-05-02 00:00:00

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