American Finances Updates: Info on the monthly $500 anti-poverty check, SNAP Benefits, MCS Program…

Hello and welcome to our American Finances live blog this Tuesday, April 26. As we do in this space every day, we’ll bring you all the latest financial news from across the USA, from headlines at the stock market to tips on how to save money in your everyday life. As inflation and gas prices sit at record highs, every little helps and we’ll explain what you can do to ensure you have a little extra cash in your pocket.

While the federal government may no longer be giving out stimulus checks, there are still various benefits schemes across the country and some of them are very helpful. For example, the Chicago Resilient Communities Pilot is promising to give a $500 check out every month to a group of 5,000 low-income participants. There are other similar schemes in other cities and states and we’ll discuss them here.

We’ll also bring you the latest news on taxes. The April 18 deadline for filing your 2021 tax returns has already passed, but that means it’s now time to focus on getting your tax refund and we’ll explain how to do that as quickly as possible. And, if you forgot about the deadline and didn’t pay your taxes yet, don’t worry. It can still be solved and we have guides that outline how.

There will also be news from the media and financial worlds as people react to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, and what exactly this means for the popular social media site, and other similar platforms, going forwards.

There really is a lot to discuss here on this Tuesday’s live blog on the USA’s latest financial news, so let’s get started. As it always the case here, the updates that sit nearest the top of this page are the most recent ones.

Read More:American Finances Updates: Info on the monthly $500 anti-poverty check, SNAP Benefits, MCS Program…

2022-04-26 13:29:14

AmericanantipovertybenefitscheckfinancesInfoMCSMonthlyProgramsnapUpdatesUS news
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