Video shows an elderly Ukrainian couple yelling at and chasing out armed Russian soldiers who broke into their property

Russian tanks convoy on military maneuvers.danilovi/Getty Images

  • An elderly Ukrainian couple confronted armed Russian soldiers who appeared to trespass onto their property.

  • Video shared by the US Embassy in Kyiv showed the exchange, with the couple yelling at the soldiers.

  • “Today we salute this elderly couple, who stood up to three Russian soldiers,” the embassy said.

The US Embassy in Kyiv on Friday shared a surveillance video showing an elderly Ukrainian couple yelling at and chasing off a group of Russian soldiers.

The 2-minute video was posted to the embassy’s Twitter account. “Today we salute this elderly couple, who stood up to three Russian soldiers,” the post read.

The video shows three armed Russian soldiers approaching a gate. One of the soldiers attempts to push open the gate. The soldiers continue pushing and rocking the gate until it eventually swings open.

With guns drawn, they walk through the gate door and onto the property, the video shows. Once inside the property, the soldiers start opening other doors, appearing to check for the presence of people. As they move through the property, dogs are heard barking. What appears to be the sound of a gunshot is also heard on the video.

Then a balding man is seen walking out into the camera frame toward the soldiers. He and a woman approach the soldiers and shout at them, the video shows. After a tense exchange, the couple walks the soldiers out and closes the gate behind them.

Read the original article on Business Insider

Read More:Video shows an elderly Ukrainian couple yelling at and chasing out armed Russian soldiers who broke into their property

2022-03-12 15:32:28

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