9/11 attacks: US president moves to declassify documents as 20th anniversary approaches, World News

As a supportive gesture to victims’ families, US President Joe Biden signed an executive order directing the declassification of certain documents related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, on Friday.

The families have been asking for the records for a long time. Coming little more than a week before the 20th anniversary of the attacks, the order is a significant moment in a years-long tussle between the government and the families over what classified information about the run-up to the attacks could be made public.

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Last month, the conflict was on display when some 1,800 relatives, survivors and first responders opposed Biden’s participation in 9/11 events if the documents remained declassified.

“The significant events in question occurred two decades ago or longer, and they concern a tragic moment that continues to resonate in American history and in the lives of so many Americans,” the executive order said.

“It is therefore critical to ensure that the United States Government maximises transparency, relying on classification only when narrowly tailored and necessary,” added the order.

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The order has directed the Justice Department and other executive branch agencies to begin a declassification review and requires that declassified documents be released over the next six months.

The executive order’s practical impact and any new documents it might yield was not immediately clear.

(With inputs from agencies)

Read More:9/11 attacks: US president moves to declassify documents as 20th anniversary approaches, World News

2021-09-04 02:25:01

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