The High Republic Makes One Jedi as Impressive as Yoda

Star Wars: The High Republic #3 proves that there’s another Jedi Master who might even be a cut above the revered Master Yoda.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The High Republic #3 by Cavan Scott, Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, Annalisa Leoni & VC’s Ariana Maher, on sale now.

In the Star Wars Universe, it’s hard to deny that Yoda is the gold standard when it comes to the Jedi Order. Apart from being kind, compassionate and funny, he’s always tried to serve the galaxy as best he can. Considering his victories in battle and overall power levels, it’s not hard to call him the best Jedi ever.

But as Star Wars: The High Republic #3 shows, another Jedi Yoda worked with in the High Republic era might have an equally valid claim to that distinction: Avar Kriss, marshal of the Starlight Beacon space vessel.

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When Yoda appeared early on in this series, younger and more assertive, he was certainly an intimidating figure. But hepales in comparison to what we’ve seen with Avar. She’s not just a leader barking orders and sitting in a Jedi Council chair; she gets things done on the ground. It’s why she’s left the flagship and is visiting Sedri Minor to investigate the farm planet’s grain that the Nihil might be using.

She’s a fierce commander who ensures there’s order under her watch. She’s on the comms, garnering updates on a Hutt autopsy she needs to get to the bottom of the attack, and the way she interrogates Sskeer shows she’s not biased to anyone. She senses the Dark Side in him and this alone outclasses Yoda, who couldn’t do so for Dooku or Anakin. Not only that, she can sense the darkness light-years away, feeling out planets, communicating with them, almost treating all sentient beings as a kind of network.

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That’s how she knew to come to the planet when something was wrong and how she caught wing of Sskeer’s issues. Here, it’s pretty powerful display as she uses these skills like a detective on a case. It’s why her peers admire and fear her, and she knows how to use the Force to get results that her lightsaber can’t produce. And the icing on the cake comes when she goes to rescue Keeve Trennis from the Drengir monster.

In the tunnels beneath the planet, the plant creature attacks the young Jedi, but Avar rescues her, slicing the creature down the middle in an epic, heroic moment. Even when the missing Jedi, Ceret, appears to be possessed by the Drengir, Avar uses the Light to bring him back to her side of the Force.

She did the same to help his injured twin, Terec, and this leaves Keeve in total awe. This is how a true master acts, leading by example and by inspiring her students. To Keeve, everything about Avar is remarkable: her poise, style and leadership are unrivaled, and they are why Avar could even impress Yoda.

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Read More:The High Republic Makes One Jedi as Impressive as Yoda

2021-03-17 13:07:28

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