USC Scientists Have Found A Way To Mass Produce Kelp For Biofuel

Good morning, L.A. It’s March 5.

Getting a coronavirus vaccine hasn’t been easy for anyone, anywhere. There are flaws in appointment systems, low supply and, of course, line-cutters.

In Southern California, the process is made infinitely more complicated by the number of health departments in the area, all of which are taking different approaches. For example, the city of L.A. handles matters separately from the county of L.A.; Pasadena and Long Beach have their own health departments and guidelines.

But vaccine improvements seem to be coming. President Joe Biden announced earlier this week that enough vaccine supply will be available for all U.S. adults by the end of May. And with the approval of the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, that goal seems like it might just be reachable.

For those reasons, we compiled a guide on how to schedule your vaccine once your turn comes. Speaking to health officials from San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, L.A. and Orange Counties as well as the cities of L.A., Pasadena and Long Beach, we asked how to book an appointment, how to stay current on eligibility tiers, and more.

Keep reading for more on what’s happening in L.A. today, and stay safe out there.

What Else You Need To Know Today

  • L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said L.A. is “very close” to moving into the red tier of reopening. That means indoor dining, movie theaters, etc.
  • California lawmakers approved a $6.6 billion package aimed at coaxing reluctant public schools to resume on-campus classes for the youngest and most at-risk students by April 1.
  • California’s sex workers are cutting out the middle man and giving back, with a little help from the internet.
  • “I think it is important for white allies to use their voice to help educate other white people.” Local art student, Melissa Licari, writes about how she used her creativity to support Black Lives Matter.

Weekend Reads

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, and it’s hard enough to keep up with our day-to-day lives, let alone to stay current on the news. But if you have some time this weekend, here’s what you may have missed:

Depressed by their isolation, some high school seniors in California are unmotivated to finish their college applications. (LAist)

This San Fernando grandmother is pressing officials for more information about school reopening. (San Fernando Sun)

The LA Motel, which opened in the 1940s, is going to be turned into temporary housing for L.A.’s unhoused residents. (Urbanize L.A.)

Say good-bye to Fry’s Electronics, and its iconic entryways. (LAist)

USC fraternities are opting for more environmental sustainability. (Daily Trojan)

Could banana trees be the next step in combating wildfires? (LAist)

“South LA is sick because we have a shortage of 1,200 doctors, or 10 times fewer doctors than the average community,” writes Dr. Elaine Batchlor, the CEO of MLK Community Healthcare. (L.A. Sentinel)

Finance by day, filming cops by night. Here’s how @FilmThePoliceLA gets it done. (L.A. Taco)

Food and agriculture employees — including grocery store workers, some restaurant employees, and farm workers — can now get their vaccines. (LAist)

Before You Go … Here’s What To Do This Weekend

Poppy & Seed in Anaheim’s Packing District is now open to diners for a sneak peek. A limited menu is available for takeout and delivery. (Max Milla)

Vaccine distribution is getting somewhat better, but it’s still not time to move from your couch, for the most part. Here are some ways to stay entertained:

Celebrate Cinespia’s return — to the drive-in. Watch animators show off their short stuff. Meet Oscar Quintero and his alter-ego, Kay Sedia. Compete in Outfest’s virtual trivia night. Stay home and read a book for a good cause. And check out tons of Restaurant Week dining deals in both Orange County and Los Angeles. And more.

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Read More:USC Scientists Have Found A Way To Mass Produce Kelp For Biofuel

2021-03-06 02:42:00

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