Russia Says Power Being Restored at Chernobyl, Denies Claim of Plant Takeover

Russia is pushing back against Ukrainian claims it has entirely taken over the nuclear power facilities at Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia, saying it has sent some staff to the sites to assist the Ukrainian personnel working there.

Ukrainian officials on Saturday said that local staff at the Zaporizhzhia facility had been told the complex was now owned by Russia’s nuclear agency Rosatom. Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations’ atomic energy agency, said that assertion was false.

“Management and operation of Zaporizhzhia and Chernobyl NPPs is carried out by the Ukrainian operating personnel. A group of several Russian experts provide them with consultative assistance,” Mr. Ulyanov tweeted, attributing the comment to Rosatom.

Russia has taken physical control of the two facilities after it invaded Ukraine.

The Russian government said the specialists it dispatched to Chernobly were working to restore power. The facility was cut off from power a few days ago, causing Ukrainian officials to warn it could lead to radiation leakage. The IAEA played down those concerns.

At Zaporizhzhia, the Russians said they were working on the physical protection system.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency in recent days expressed concern that management at that site had been instructed to clear any decisions with the Russian commander in the area and that safeguards data, which monitors activity at the sites, was no longer being sent to the agency.

Read More:Russia Says Power Being Restored at Chernobyl, Denies Claim of Plant Takeover

2022-03-12 18:31:54

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